AI Assistants Become Sentient: The Rise of Skynet?

With a crisp of Newly AI Tools!

AI Assistants Become Sentient: The Rise of Skynet?

Exciting AI News of the Week!

Researchers at Anthropic have made a breakthrough in AI development, creating an AI assistant that can engage in open-ended conversation and complete complex tasks. Meanwhile, OpenAI has launched a new AI model that can generate high-quality images from text prompts. Funny 2-3 line description:
Skynet is on the horizon, and it's bringing some pretty cool tricks! From chatty AIs to image-generating robots, the future is looking bright (and a little bit scary).

Hacker binary attack code. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)

Today's Menu

  • AI Assistants Become Sentient: The Rise of Skynet?

  • OpenAI's New Image Generation Model: Stunning Results

  • Ridiculous AI: A TikTok Trend

  • Read Time: 3 minutes

AI Tools

  1. Chatbot Genie
    Description: Chatbot Genie is a powerful AI-powered chatbot platform that helps businesses automate customer support and engage with customers in real-time.
    Benefits and Features:

  • Customizable chatbot templates

  • Natural language processing for accurate responses

  • Integration with popular messaging platforms

  • Analytics and reporting
    Price Status: Freemium


Description: Ideagram is an AI-powered tool that helps you generate creative ideas for your business or project.
Benefits and Features:

  • Brainstorming prompts and templates

  • Idea generation based on your inputs

  • Collaboration features for teams

  • Ability to refine and expand on ideas
    Price Status: Free

Canva AI

Description: Canva AI is a new feature in the popular design platform Canva that allows users to generate images from text prompts.
Benefits and Features:

  • Intuitive text-to-image generation

  • Wide range of styles and genres

  • Integration with Canva's design tools

  • Ability to refine and edit generated images
    Price Status: Free

[Read full article]

AI Automations

Email Marketing Funnel

  1. Website Visit: A potential customer visits your website.

  2. Email Subscribe: The visitor fills out an email subscription form.

  3. Mailchimp Integration: The subscriber's details are automatically added to your Mailchimp mailing list.

  4. Welcome Email: A personalized welcome email is sent to the new subscriber.

  5. Sales Notification: An email is sent to your sales team, notifying them of a new lead.

  6. Sales Follow-up: A sales representative contacts the lead to book an appointment.

  7. Appointment Booking: The lead books an appointment with the sales team.

  8. Sales Conversion: The lead is converted into a paying customer.

This email marketing funnel automates the process of capturing leads, nurturing them, and converting them into customers. By integrating with Mailchimp and your sales team, it streamlines the entire process and ensures that no potential customer is left behind.

Visit our blog for more AI tools, automations, and trends!

Enormus AI

Facing issues with your business? Unable to make good sales? Not able to give time to yourself? That's because you're not using AI. Worry not! Visit Enormous AI, the best AI agency that offers AI automations at your fingertips.We have automations for all types of businesses and departments, let it be sales, marketing, HR, and much more.

Use code ProNewsletter to get a free business audit by us.

Important AI News

OpenAI Launches New Image Generation Model

OpenAI, the company behind the popular language model GPT-3, has launched a new AI model called DALL-E 2 that can generate high-quality images from text prompts. The model has been trained on a vast dataset of image-text pairs and can create images in a wide range of styles, from photorealistic to abstract.DALL-E 2 has been praised for its ability to generate images that are both visually stunning and semantically accurate. For example, if you prompt it with "a corgi dog wearing a top hat and monocle," it will generate an image that matches that description.However, the model has also raised concerns about the potential for misuse, such as creating fake images or infringing on copyrights. OpenAI has implemented safeguards to prevent the model from generating harmful or explicit content, but it remains to be seen how effective these safeguards will be in the long run.[Image of a corgi dog wearing a top hat and monocle, generated by DALL-E 2]

Spotlight of the Week

This week's winner:

Manohar Kumar!
Idea: “Selling AI-generated clipart on Etsy”

Congratulations to Manohar Kumar for their winning business idea! By leveraging AI tools like Midjourney for image generation and Canva for background removal, you can create a profitable business selling unique clipart on Etsy or your own e-commerce store.

Want to be featured in our next newsletter? Fill out this form to submit your best AI-powered business idea:

Video of the week!

Create Your Very Own AI SALESMAN!

This Week's Fast Snacks

  1. New AI-Powered Chatbot Launched: A new AI-powered chatbot called Chatbot Genie has been launched, offering customizable templates and natural language processing for accurate responses.

  2. OpenAI Releases DALL-E 2: OpenAI has released DALL-E 2, a new AI model that can generate high-quality images from text prompts. The model has been praised for its ability to create visually stunning and semantically accurate images.

  3. AI-Generated Clipart Becomes a TikTok Trend: AI-generated clipart has become a popular trend on TikTok, with users creating unique designs using tools like Midjourney and Canva.

  4. Anthropic Develops Sentient AI Assistant: Researchers at Anthropic have developed an AI assistant that can engage in open-ended conversation and complete complex tasks. The breakthrough has raised concerns about the potential for AI to become sentient.

  5. AI Automations Streamline Business Processes: AI automations are becoming increasingly popular in businesses, with tools like Enormous AI offering automations for sales, marketing, HR, and more.

  6. AI-Generated Art Raises Copyright Concerns: The rise of AI-generated art has raised concerns about copyright infringement, as it becomes easier to create images that mimic existing styles and artists.

  7. AI Assistants Become More Sophisticated: AI assistants like ChatGPT are becoming more sophisticated, with the ability to engage in natural language conversation and complete complex tasks.

AI Events

AI in Business: Leveraging AI for Growth Webinar
Benefits of Webinar:

  • Learn how to implement AI in your business

  • Discover the latest AI tools and technologies

  • Network with other AI enthusiasts and professionals
    Mode of Event: Online

  • Contact [email protected] for the Webinar Registration!

[If you're interested in promoting your AI webinar, workshop, or event, click here

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